Friday 23 December 2011

Insidious (scary horror movie)

I don't usually watch horror movies, and haven't for years but I was coerced by some friends, and so we spent an evening watching Insidious.

This movie stars Patrick Wilson and Rose Byrne (two of Hollywood's new up and coming beautiful people) as the parents in a family that move into a new house. Once they move in, strange things start to happen..... I know what you're thinking, that sounds like a pretty standard, boring horror movie plot, and that's what we thought before we watched it.

For a bit, stuff goes *bump* and people run about screaming. There's also a lot of scary, tension building music and tons of those 'don't go through that scary looking door/up those stairs/ladder/leave the house/leave the baby in there you total idiot. Once the story kicks off though (and to be fair, it takes a while; the film seems to keep its options open about which direction to go in for the first half of the film), it actually very much surpasses the boring bio.

This film is scary as well. Ok, I am a total wimp and spent most of the scary bits hidden behind a pillow, but I got the general gist, and if I was accidentally watching and something scary happened there was plenty of screaming. The scares are based on building up tensions and suddenly showing something (most of the time), resulting in me feeling like I'd run a marathon or something once we had finished watching it. It's my favourite kind of scary though, keeping you interested and freaked out throughout the film, but not too traumatised afterwards.

Scary lady woman thing from the film :O

The storyline helped with this too. It did start off a bit weak as I said, but once it got started, it leaves you guessing and working things out until, dropping gentle hints until the 'big reveal'. After the 'big reveal', it all got a bit odd and unrealistic, but nonetheless was still entertaining, possibly for less scary reasons now though. The effects/costumes/looks of some of the evil folk are a little bit dubious as well once you get close up, but that just gave us something to giggle at and take a break from being freaked out.

Overall, I would definitely recommend this film if you like scary stuff, or even if you just fancy something different. It is enjoyable on its own without being classified as scary, and manages to hold together a fairly decent plot line throughout, but still has plenty of scary bits to keep you on your toes!


  1. Indeed, very beautiful!
    Do you think this helps to make it less scary?
    It just reminds you that it's Hollywood! Where as if the protagonist was old Peter Smith (the sheep shearer) would it make it more believable? Just a thought. I probably won't watch that anytime soon as I am the biggest wimp when it comes to scary films! But if you happen to watch anything else with the lovely Patrick Wilson but with a pleasant plot, please do advise us accordingly!

    Peace out!
    Just another blogger...

  2. No, he's so pretty that you don't want him to get hurt! He needs to be alive to look after his beautiful wife and walk around looking manly... Yeah people like that don't exist in the real world, also neither does astro-projection I don't think, and that is the main storyline in the film!
    Have you seen Watchmen? It is one of my most favourite films and it's got Patrick Wilson in looking lovely. Great plot too!
